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Game liverwurst – so easy and delicious

Today I’m going to show you how to make game liverwurst. It’s easy and super quick to make. 

Game liverwurst is a nice change and can be varied to suit your taste – whether with wild boar, venison or deer. The choice of meat is entirely up to you!

The game liverwurst is perfect for a snack plate. Together with cranberries and a good crusty farmer’s bread, simply heavenly.

If you love liverwurst, I also have other liverwurst recipes for you: classic liverwurst, my veal liverwurst, my pfälzer Liverwurst and my apple and onion liverwurst

Here you can find the complete game liverwurst recipe as a video or to read through.

Have fun and good luck making it!

Game liverwurst – What do you need to make it?

game liverwurst - all ingredients

Ingredients per 1 kg 

  • 45 % game meat (450 g)
  • 25% game liver (250 g)
  • 30 % dewlap or pork fat (300 g)

Spices per kg

The equipment to make Game liverwurst

Meat Grinder

You need a meat grinder to “grind” the meat. The meat is chopped into small chunks and can then be mixed.

Sausage stuffer / Grinder attachment / Funnel

You need this to get your sausage mass into the casing. If you do not have one, you can also use a filling attachment for your meat grinder or a hand filling funnel.

Food processor / Cutter

You need a cutter to get your mass fine and homogeneous. Alternatively, the whole thing can also be done with a food processor.

Artificial casing / Jar / Can

You can fill the sausage into jars as well as artificial casings. For jars, I usually use ones from the Weck company. For artificial casings I recommend artificial casings caliber 45/25 for a smaller diameter and artificial casings caliber 60/25 for a slightly wider one.

Game liverwurst – Step-By-Step Instructions

1. Cut the meat and the dewlap / pork fat into wolf-sized pieces and put the pieces of meat into a sealable plastic bag or vacuum seal them.

Note: If you vacuum seal the pieces of meat / put them in a plastic bag, you won’t lose any liquid into the water and you won’t need any cooking stock for the sausage afterwards, as all the liquid will remain in the vacuum bag with the fat and liquid that escapes. (If you want to cook your meat without plastic, I will explain how it works and what to look out for in the next step)

game liverwurst - cut

2. Now place the bag in the tempered water or in the sous vide cooker and cook the meat at 78 degrees (172.4°F)  for 90 minutes.

How do I cook the meat without a sous vide stick and bag?

No problem. You need to weigh the meat once before cooking. Then weigh the meat again after cooking and note how much liquid the meat has lost. You can add this missing liquid back later. You can use the stock water in which you cooked your meat.

game liverwurst - cook

3. Chop the onions and fry them slowly over a low to medium heat for about 10 minutes.

game liverwurst - onion

4. Once the pieces of meat are cooked and cooled, you can separate the juices from the meat.

game liverwurst - juice

5. Put the liver through the grinder first. Once this has been run through, you can run the meat and the dewlap / pork fat through. I personally use the fine perforated disk.

Optional: If you want to soften the flavor of the liver, you can poach it for approx. 5 minutes before grinding. This will soften the strong flavor of the liver.

game liverwurst - grind

6. Then put the spices, cooked onions, cranberries and the minced mixture into a food processor or cutter. 

game liverwurst - cutter

7. Blend the mixture until it has a pulpy consistency.

game liverwurst - mix

8. You can now fill the mixture into jars or casings. Make sure that the mixture is tight and that there are no air holes in the jars. When filling the jars, it is best to leave at least a fingertip of space so that the liverwurst can expand during cooking and does not overflow.

game liverwurst - fill

9. Now you have to cook the game liverwurst at 100 °C (212 °F) for 2 hours. If you want to use a casing, you can scald it at 80 °C (176 °F). The time depends on the diameter of the caliber used. Means: If you use caliber 45, then you scald the liverwurst approx. 45 minutes.

game liverwurst - boil

11. Your game liverwurst is ready 😄. Enjoy the taste.

game liverwurst - ready

How long is the shelf life of the game liverwurst?

In theory, game liverwurst can be kept indefinitely in a jar or tin. It is best to store the liverwurst in a cool, dark place. When opening, the following applies: See, smell, taste! If you use a casing, you should store the liverwurst in the fridge and consume it within a maximum of 10 days.


Cooked Sausages

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