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  • Homemade Debreziner – A Delicious smoked sausage

Homemade Debreziner – A Delicious smoked sausage

In this post I show you how you can make Debreziner yourself. With a moderate effort you achieve a super tasty result.

Debreziner or also written Debreciner or Debrecziner comes originally from Hungary and is a scalded sausage. It got its name from the city of Debrecen in eastern Hungary. 

Today it is popular mainly in southern Germany, Austria and Hungary. 

You need a smoker to prepare it. Alternatively, you can just poach it. This will yield a slightly different sausage with no smoke flavor. It will taste good as well. No worries.

In this post you will find the complete Debreziner recipe as a video or to read through.

Have fun and good luck making it!

Making your own Debreziner – What do you need?

Debreziner-all ingredients

Ingredients per 1 kg 

  • 55 % medium-fatty pork belly (550 g)
  • 30 % lean beef (300 g)
  • 15 % crushed ice / ice water

Spices per 1 kg 

Equipment for making Kaminwurzen

Meat Grinder

You need a meat grinder to “grind” the meat. The meat is chopped into small chunks with it.

Sausage stuffer

You need a sausage stuffer to get your meat mass into the casing. If you are starting out you can also add an attachment to your grinder or use a modified plastic bottle or funnel.

Sausage casings

The Debreziner is filled in natural casings. I use sheep casings caliber 24/26. 


You need the smoker to smoke your Debreziner. 

Make Debreziner yourself- Step-By-Step Instructions

1. Cut your meat and fat into strips. The size varies depending on how big your meat grinder is. The bigger the grinder, the bigger your pieces of meat can be.


2. Put the meat in the freezer for 1-2 hours. This will help later on with the grinding process and the temperature.


3. Grind the spices into a fine powder. This way, the spices will be distributed evenly in the final sausage.


4. Now it’s time to grind the meat. Grind the meat through the finest perforated disc (3mm)


5. Add the spices and phosphate to the minced meat. 


6. Mix everything well. You can do this with a hand mixer with a dough hook attached or mix it by hand. If you want to have a very fine debreciner, you can also mix the mass even more with the help of a food processor


7. Gradually add the crushed ice to the sausage meat and make sure that everything is well incorporated.


8. Fill the meat mixture into sheep casing caliber 24/26. Make sure that as little air as possible is trapped and that the casings are not filled too tightly. Otherwise you run the risk that they burst later. 


9. Twist off the filled Debreziner. The length you can decide for yourself. To do this, press the sausage to the desired length with two fingers on each hand and rotate it forward a few times. Then leave out one sausage length and repeat the process.


10. Hang your debreziner in the smoker at 40 degrees (104 F°) for about 10 – 15 minutes without smoke. The goal is to dry out the debreciner before adding the smoke. 


11. After that, you can hot smoke them at about 70 C° (158 F°) for 30-40 minutes. You can of course also extend or shorten the duration. For me, between 30 – 40 minutes have proven to be ideal, as far as the flavor profile is concerned. 


12. After smoking, the Debreziner must be poached for about 25 minutes at 75 C° (176 F°). 


13. Your Debreziner is ready 😄. Enjoy it. 


What is the shelf life of Debreziner?

They can be kept for about 1 week in the fridge. Vacuum packed in the refrigerator for about 3 weeks. Alternatively, you can also freeze them for longer.


Cooked Sausages

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  1. Appreciate your knowledge and enjoy reading and/or watching your shared information .

    Thank you and Happy New Year to you and your family!

    Mike Mazur

  2. hello i am wondering about “cutter phosphates” . what is it and what does it do. thank you for your all your info and recipes , leland

    1. Hey, the phosphates help binding the sausage with the added crushed ice / ice water. It is a natural additive which is in fresh slaughtered meat but then degrades while hanging in the slaughterhouse. Therefore we add it back in. Cheers Daniel

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